
A New Year...

So, it's 2015. What will arguably be the biggest year in my entire life. Last year, I had plans to better myself and be infinitely more productive, with all of these ideas floating around in my head, I knew it was possible to push forward and ready myself for the future. Well, that didn't quite happen as well as I thought it would. I laid the framework for many ideas and endeavors, but few of them came to as much fruition as I had hoped they would.

This year will be different. This year, I know those ideas can become tangible and become more than just an idea in my head. It's going to take a lot of hard work, and absolutely no slacking on my part. Some of these ideas are lofty and ambitious, and I know they're possible. I have an amazing group of people supporting me, and the help of some of the most talented individuals on this planet, willing to help how they can. It's going to be rough, but it's going to happen. To help with that, I'm going to lay a few of them on the table, and share them.

First off, what you're reading right now. This blog. My thoughts. A gateway into my head. I'm going to write more this year, and keep my mind constantly racing as much as I possibly can. It's important to get all this down, so that I am constantly reminded how much work I have ahead of me. It's not going to be some elaborate blog, where I write about everything I love, and try to get as many views as possible. This journal is a way to transcribe my thoughts appropriately, and keep them always at the forefront of my mind. I can do this. I have before, I can again.

I'm going to work towards being the person, and the individual that I want to be. Last year, I discovered who that person is. This year, I become him completely. My wardrobe will be completely updated, now that I know who I really am. My life will become this person. No more mysteries.

I have a wedding to plan. I finally mustered up my courage, and asked the love of my life to marry me. This year, I make her my wife. We plan the most incredible wedding that we could possible have, and it will be amazing. I've already got some ideas swirling in my head, but it's going to take time to flesh them out. That's a top priority this year. I need to work out, and ready myself to look as good as possible in that suit when the time comes. I put on a lot of weight this year, then lost it, then put it back on. I have to work hard, and keep it off. Absolutely no soda. Very little sugar, and healthier ingredients.

I also have to work towards getting a new computer for myself. Preferably, a Macbook. This computer is alright, but there's a problem being that it's not mine. It's a work computer, and I don't own a computer for myself. That is a problem that MUST be remedied this year. This computer must be cleaned out, and organized, and I need to get a computer for myself.

Last year, I completed my first Game Jam. A text-based adventure game called ANARKEY_ which is currently no longer online, but will be back online, soon. I have several ideas to expand that game, as well as taking part in a few other Game Jams this year. It was an incredible amount of fun, and a great way to inspire myself into thinking out of the box. It's always been a goal to design games, but this year, I plan to make it happen in a big way.

I want to publish my first Zine. I have an idea for it, and know many artists that would be interested. It's just a matter of contacting them, and keeping them updated and informed. I think this will be one of my mid-year goals. Maybe get it published and out there around July. The Zine will be based around the maniacal Suda51, my favorite game designer, and his many batshit crazy characters and worlds. The source material is ripe with artistic ideas, and the possibilities are endless for this. I'll start contacting artists ASAP with this, to gauge interest.

I also plan to do some more out there projects that are good fun, such as creating my own line of Pomades the first part of the year. I have some scent ideas, and given my love of hair, and knowledge of a good pomade, but the lack thereof, it should be fun to see where it leads. I also hope to brew some of my own beer early this year, as well. Not sure of any ideas on that, yet, but it's on the list of things accomplish this year.

My biggest, and most grandiose idea for this year by far is possibly one of the most lofty ideas I've ever come close to completing. The electronic / experimental music scene out here in Phoenix is slim, currently, and I plan to remedy that by practicing chiptune, and experimental music in my free time. I already know LSDJ, but simply need an instrument to use it on. I also plan to expose the masses here to some of the most incredible artists in the world, when all is said and done. My goal is to host a two-night experimental music festival out here, with several artists from many different places. Their music is elaborate, and transcendental in a way like no other. I can only hope to share that with as many of you as possible.

Lastly, I need to focus more on my own design, and things such as t-shirts, stickers, and badges. I would love to take the first couple months to gather up a stock of awesome designs, and get a table at a Con somewhere. Simply for the experience of having a table somewhere. That's also been brewing for a while, so this year I make it a reality. Fingers crossed.

So, that's a quick recap of my plans for the year. Obviously, there's going to many more ideas to come in an out of my head, so as things happen, they will be added here, and constantly updated. I know I can do this.


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